ECE 340 Syllabus


Lecture Times:GEM 159: (A) 8:00 am – 8:50 am MWF
 GEM 162: (B) 9:00 am – 9:50 am MWF
Lab Times:GEM 166: (C) 8:50 am – 11:20 am R
 GEM 166: (D) 11:50 am – 2:20 pm R
 GEM 166: (E) 2:50 pm – 5:20 pm R
Grades, etc.:
Aux Website:
Slack (chat):Signup for an account at:,
 then join the #electronics channel.
Calendar:Add as iCal format using this link:
 View or Add with Google Calendar (bottom-right):
Instructor:Dr. Dan White
Office:GEM 205 (official and preferred)
Office Hours:Office door open? → Come on in!
 Door closed? → Need to make an appointment.
 Easy appointment scheduling: use Starfish,
Prerequisite:ECE 261 with a minimum grade of C
Textbooks:(online) Electronics Tour Book
 • (required) Art of Electronics, 3rd edition, 2015
 Horowitz and Hill, Cambridge University Press
 • (required) Digilent Analog Discovery 2 (USB hardware)
 $179 with academic discount.
 • (optional) Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course, 1st edition, 2016
 Hayes, Cambridge University Press
Credits:2.5 + 1.5, 3 Cr.

Course Description

An introduction to semiconductor theory and the design and analysis of electronic circuits. Topics include diodes, field-effect and bipolar transistors, CMOS logic circuits, single-stage transistor amplifiers, and multi-stage integrated-circuit amplifiers.


Upon successful completion of ECE 340, students will be familiar with:



Graded elements of the course are weighted as follows in the final course grade:

Assignments and quizzes:25 %
Exam 1:15 %
Exam 2:15 %
Final Exam:15 %
Laboratory:30 %

The following percentages on the weighted score for the semester will guarantee the letter grades shown: 2

A≥ 93
A-≥ 90
B+≥ 87
B≥ 83
B-≥ 80
C+≥ 77
C≥ 73
C-≥ 70
D+≥ 67
D≥ 63
D-≥ 60


Homework and quizzes



Honor Code

I have neither given or received, nor have I tolerated others’ use of unauthorized aid.

This statement is written on all homework, quizzes and exams at Valparaiso University. Every student must write it out the Honor Code in full and sign it for all work submitted for academic credit. It expresses the promise of the student not to cheat through action or inaction. This allows unproctored examinations and expresses the faith of the faculty in the student body.

The student initiated Honor System, administered by the Honor Council and its constituent bodies, is recognized and approved by Valparaiso University as an integral part of the regulations under which students in the undergraduate colleges become members of the university community. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to become a member of the university without both explicit and implicit adherence to the Honor System.

Every student has the responsibility to keep academics free of dishonesty, that is, to neither give or receive unauthorized aid. Non-toleration of the use of unauthorized aid is a further responsibility that is inherent in the Honor System. Each student must report to the Honor Council any violation of the System of which the student becomes aware, free from the pressure of ensuing penalty.

Remember, it shall be the responsibility of the student, when in doubt, to ask the instructor what is or is not authorized aid.

For more information:


I care about your success! The University has a new system, Starfish, that is being used to improve the quality of the academic interactions between all students and staff. I may direct you to create appointments with me through Starfish or follow up on other items related to your academic success.



Access and Accommodataion

The Access & Accommodations Resource Center (AARC) is the campus office that works with students to provide access and accommodations in cases of diagnosed mental or emotional health issues, attentional or learning disabilities, vision or hearing limitations, chronic diseases, or allergies. You can contact the office at or 219.464.5206. Students who need, or think they may need, accommodations due to a diagnosis, or who think they have a diagnosis, are invited to contact AARC to arrange a confidential discussion with the AARC office. Further, students who are registered with AARC are required to contact their professor(s) if they wish to exercise the accommodations outlined in their letter from the AARC.

Academic Support Services

To get help in this course, the best place to start is to work with your instructor during office hours and ask your professor if there are any Help Sessions or department-level tutoring offered for this course. The next step is to use the Academic Success Center (ASC) online directory ( or contact the ASC ( to help point you in the right direction for academic support resources for this course. Valpo’s learning centers (Writing Center, Language Resource Center, Hesse Learning Resource & Assessment Center, and Academic Success Center) offer a variety of programs and services that provide group and individual learning assistance for many subject areas.

Class Cancellation Policy

Notifications of class cancellations will be made through Blackboard with as much advance notice as possible. It will be both posted on Blackboard and sent to your Valpo e-mail address. If you don’t check your Valpo e-mail account regularly or have it set-up to be forwarded to your preferred e-mail account, you may not get the message. Please check Blackboard and your Valpo e-mail (or the e-mail address it forwards to) before coming to class.


VU’s Emergency Notification System (ENS) uses multiple forms of communication, including e-mail, building alarms, outdoor sirens, message boards, computer alerts, Twitter, and public address messaging. Please review the specific procedures for this class found in Blackboard. Remember: “Siren inside, GO outside; Siren outside, GO inside.” To evacuate, gather your personal belonging quickly and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator. To shelter in place, move away from the windows and stay low to the ground; lock or barricade the door if there is a threat of violence.

This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.